what happens next?
The process – step by step
Mediation starts with an Intake Interview.
This is your opportunity to discuss with the mediator in a confidential one on one session, your individual circumstances, your parenting concerns and your goals for the mediation. The mediator may offer referrals for additional support or research to help you prepare for mediation and will answer your questions about the process.
The mediator will then, with your permission, invite your ex-partner to be involved in the mediation process
If your ex-partner agrees to be involved, they too will have an Intake Interview.
If your ex-partner declines the invitation, the mediator will discuss whether you need a 60I Certificate to be issued so you can proceed to court.
Once both parties have completed the Intake Interview, the mediator will determine if the matter is suitable to proceed, if so, a mediation appointment will be made at a mutually convenient time to all parties. If not, the mediator will discuss whether you need a 60I Certificate to proceed to court.
Mediation takes place with you, your ex-partner and the mediator. In some cases support people may be included if agreed by all parties in advance.
At the completion of the mediation, any agreements are drafted into parenting plans or property settlement plans. These are good faith agreements, however they can be provided to you ready to be made into legally binding documents once stamped by the court.
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